Building big art in the desert is not cheap…
By completing this project over 2 years we make it possible to spread out our fundraising efforts and make it easier to raise the roughly $70,000 cost of the full One Tin Soldier build.
Remember When…
Starting out small, Remember When… consists of four blocks spelling out the word LOVE partially buried in the dust. We’ve budgeted $15,000 to complete this.
Materials: This includes but is not limited to: wood, paint, screws, stain, sanders, saw blades, safety equipment, space rental, etc.
“L” Block $3,500
“O” Block $2,000
“V” Block $2,500
“E” Block $2,000
Transportation: Truck and trailer rental, Heavy equipment rental, $4,000
Fundraising: $1,000
With a starter donation already received of $5,000, we are launching our Fundrzr Campaign for $10,000 to get this piece finished and out to the playa. As a part of a multi-year project, nothing will be going to waste, all items are to be re-used or recycled for the continuation of the piece into One Tin Soldier in 2023..
Make a donation.
All donations through our website are tax deductible through our fiscal sponsor, HackClub. Your donation will go a long way to making this project a reality.